Updated on 17 February 2025
**Please read this page carefully before each visit to Yad Moss. It is reviewed regularly in response to dynamic risk assessments**
Safety and acting responsibly are priorities at Yad Moss and critical to ensure the long term viability of the Club. By buying a season or day membership (full or junior), you confirm that you and all accompanied children have the appropriate level of competence to ski or board safely in all conditions. You also confirm that you have read and understand the information about Yad Moss and and agree to abide by its rules. Lift passes can be revoked if a user is not acting responsibly. These rules also apply to associate members.
Skiing and snowboarding in the winter environment of the North Pennines are ‘adventure activities’. This means there is a degree of ‘uncertainty of outcome’ and that in common with many other outdoor sports, there is a risk that participants could be injured. During your visit you are responsible for your own safety and that of any under 18 year olds who accompany you.
As a club we do not have capacity to offer supervision on the slopes or mountain rescue. The ski area comprises rough, exposed moorland terrain. Please tell someone where you are going and when you will be back in touch.
Yad Moss is run entirely by volunteers. Sometimes this may mean that the Club cannot open because it does not have enough trained operators to do so safely, even if snow conditions appear suitable. Operators will inspect the tow, the slope and consider the weather forecast before deciding whether to open. The site may close early if conditions deteriorate significantly.
Please alert operators to any hazards you encounter.
Yad Moss is open to anyone interested in snowsports, regardless of sex, age, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or other beliefs. Yad Moss is committed to everyone having the right to enjoy the facilities in an environment free from threat of intimidation, harassment and abuse. All those participating at Yad Moss have a responsibility to oppose discriminatory behaviour and promote equality of opportunity, and the club will deal with any incidence of discriminatory behaviour seriously. Yad Moss is also committed to safeguarding. Please report any concerns at the ticket office or by email to secretary@yadmoss.co.uk.
All children must be accompanied by a responsible adult. Children must be supervised at all times, including in the club room. Children are not permitted on the runs or on the tow in a backpack or chest harness. Please also see our Safeguarding page.
Please be aware that vehicles may operate on the site all year round. Certain slopes may be closed when piste bashing is taking place but in some circumstances, vehicles may need to access an open slope. Please exercise due attention and caution.
Yad Moss is visited by walkers and spectators. Skiers and snowboarders should be aware of this and exercise caution. Similarly, those visiting the slope should be aware of snowsport users and possible vehicular activity (throughout the year) and should exercise caution.
Please also be aware that the North Pennines is a former lead and coal mining area and some areas adjacent to the ski slope may have unprotected mine shafts and levels.
Yad Moss is isolated, with no fixed power or water supply. We have no card facilities or cash point. There is no drinking water on site and nowhere to buy food and drink – the nearest place with significant facilities is Alston, eight miles away. When visiting Yad Moss, you must bring sufficient food and drink for your trip, as well as any medication you might need. The conditions in the North Pennines can deteriorate very quickly. You should come prepared with suitable clothing to protect you from severe weather. You must tell someone where you are going and what time you intend to return. Note that the mobile signal at Yad Moss can be patchy and there is no wifi.
The club room provides indoor shelter, heating and composting toilets. Hand sanitiser and toilet rolls are usually provided but we advise you to bring your own in case our supplies run out on busy days. There is no drinking water on site and there are no catering facilities. Please bring sufficient food and drinks for your trip. Please take all your litter home.
It is recommended that all those engaged in snowsports at Yad Moss wear a helmet.
The conditions in the North Pennines can deteriorate very quickly. You should come prepared with suitable clothing to protect you from severe weather.
We hope for snow but some areas can become icy or muddy.
In the club room, melted snow from footwear may make the floor slippy.
Please take care and pay attention where you’re walking, especially in ski boots.
Ski with care. The International Ski Federation (FIS) Rules of Conduct must be followed:
1. Respect for others.
Skiers and snowboarders must behave in such a way that they do not endanger or prejudice others. Skiers and snowboarders are responsible not only for their own behaviour but also for defective equipment.
2. Control of speed
Skiers and snowboarders must move in control. They must adapt their speed and manner of skiing or boarding to their personal ability and prevailing conditions of terrain, snow and weather as well as to the density of traffic.
3. Choice of route
Skiers and boarders must choose their route in such a way that they do not endanger other skiers or boarders. The skier or snowboarder in front has priority.
4. Overtaking
Skiers or boarders may overtake another provided that they leave enough space for the overtaken skier or boarder to make any voluntary or involuntary movement.
5. Entering
Starting and moving: a skier or boarder entering a marked run, starting after stopping, or moving upwards on the slopes, must look up and down the slopes so that they can do so without endangering themselves or others.
6. Stopping
Unless absolutely necessary, a skier or snowboarder must avoid stopping on the piste in narrow places or where visibility is restricted. After a fall in such a place, a skier or snowboarder must move clear of the piste as soon a possible. One must not stop in narrow places or where it is difficult to be seen from above.
7. Climbing and descending
On foot a skier or boarder either climbing or descending on foot must keep to the side of the piste. Moving against the general direction poses unexpected obstacles for other skiers and boarders. Footprints damage the piste (or tow track) and can cause danger to skiers and boarders.
8. Respect for signs
A skier or boarder must respect all signs and markings.
9. Assistance at accidents
Every skier or snowboarder is duty bound to assist.
10. Identification
Every skier or snowboard who is a witness, whether a responsible party or not, must exchange names and address following an accident.
Please do not buy a day or season (full or junior) membership if you are not competent to use a fast drag lift safely. Associate membership is available to non-skiing / boarding adults or those currently unable to ski / board at Yad Moss.
To use the ski tow at Yad Moss you must be confident that you can set off smoothly and ride all the way to the top without falling over. Ensure that your clothing is not loose and avoid straps that could get caught in the lift mechanism.
Our operators reserve the right to prevent you using the tow if you are struggling with it and are presenting a hazard to yourself or others. Unfortunately we are not able to run the tow slowly for prolonged periods, because of the risk of overheating the motor. Please follow the instructions below and respect the advice of our operators.

Hold the Poma shaft upright just in front of you and prepare for the button to flick up between you legs . Your Poma will start suddenly when the operator pushes the green button. To avoid ‘launch’ ensure your board or skis are sliding forward at the moment of Poma release. Remain standing up as you are dragged forward by the Poma with your ankles and knees flexed and looking ahead. Do not attempt to sit down.
Please do not ‘slalom’ up the tow track, as this can pull the rope off the support wheels. Stay directly underneath the haul rope at all times. If you fall over, let go immediately and quickly move out of the tow track, making way for the users behind you.
At the top (Pylon 7) dismount and release your Poma gently in line with the haul rope and well before the return bull wheel. Clear the dismount area immediately to make way for users arriving behind you and to keep out of the way of swinging Pomas.
If the tow stops, you may slide backwards for a short distance. Please wait for the tow to restart: if this seems to be taking more than a few minutes, you may dismount and let go of your Poma. This is acceptable but please move away from the tow track to make way for users behind you.
In the unlikely event that the tow continues to move in reverse (roll back) let go of your Poma immediately and clear the tow track.
If you see an accident or a problem with the tow please do not hesitate to press a red stop button immediately. Stop buttons are located at the summit, on pylon 3 and at the base station. Stopping the tow cannot do it any harm.
Failure to use the tow correctly can be dangerous and may cause damage leading to closure. Treat the tow gently and report any problems to an operator.
Please do not break the only ski lift we have at Yad Moss!
It is important to respect the terrain and the weather and adjust your style to the conditions. Ski runs at Yad Moss are often ungroomed and the surface is normally thin snow over a rough grassy surface. Beware of potential hazards such as ski tow pylons, snow fences, the stone wall, water courses and highly variable snow conditions.
Very few potential hazards can be marked so you must pay attention and act responsibly. Only cross the tow track at the obvious “cross over” points where there is good visibility. Cross behind users on the ski tow.
Although there will be operators on site, none of the area is patrolled. By buying a season or day membership, you confirm that you and any children accompanying you have the appropriate level of competence to ski safely at Yad Moss at all times and in all conditions.
Please be aware that sledging/snowtubing, snowkiting, and the construction of jumps are not permitted at Yad Moss. This applies to the runs on the piste map and to off piste areas across the site.
Follow the emergency evacuation procedure set out in the club room. Get out of the building. Do not take risks and do not tackle a fire with an extinguisher unless it is safe to do so. Your exit must be clear, the fire must be small and you must be competent to use an extinguisher.
Inform an operator immediately if you discover a fire or a fire risk.
Make sure you and all uninjured parties are safe and alert an operator.
Secure the accident scene with crossed skis or people on guard well above the accident.
Do not move casualties.
First aid: ABC (Airway – check it is clear; Breathing – check for breathing; Circulation – cover any wound and apply firm pressure).
Provide warmth but give nothing to eat or drink.
Get assistance by informing an operator.
Reassure and keep casualties warm.
If you witnessed the accident, please assist with information.
If you are away from the immediate ski area and cannot leave the casualty or are hurt yourself and there is no one likely to ski past you: dial 999 and ask for police – mountain rescue and ambulance. Give your name, injury, and location.
Before visiting Yad Moss we recommend that you register to use the 999 service by text and download the OS Locator App to supply a precise grid reference and altitude to the rescue services. Note that the mobile signal at Yad Moss can be patchy.
The North Pennines has some of the highest and most exposed roads in the United Kingdom. After heavy snowfall access to Yad Moss may be difficult, particularly if driving from Teesdale or climbing Hartside Pass. Please be aware that you travel at your own risk. We recommend fitting winter tyres or carrying snow chains or snow socks, to improve your traction, steering and braking on snow covered surfaces.

There is plenty of space to park at Yad Moss but please park on one side of the road only, or else park off the carriageway altogether. You must leave plenty of room for snow ploughs, heavy goods vehicles, farm traffic and emergency vehicles to pass easily and at all times. Carry a spade in your car to dig out your parking space, if necessary.
No dogs are allowed on the site.
We use webcams to take static pictures of the slope to monitor snow cover and ski conditions. The pictures are uploaded automatically to our website. From time to time, operators may also look at live images to assess conditions or for security purposes. No recordings are made and images are deleted on a very frequent basis. Please contact secretary@yadmoss.co.uk if you require any further information.
Please see the Covid-19 page for further details
Please look after your belongs carefully at Yad Moss. We cannot guarantee that lost items will be found, especially if they have been dropped on the slope. If you find an item of lost property, please hand it in at the ticket office. Please ensure you have all your belongings with you before leaving Yad Moss. If you lose something, please ask at the ticket office before you leave for the day, in case it has been handed in. If an item has been handed in, it will normally be kept in lost property in the ticket office for you to collect on the next day of operation. Please be aware that opening days are irregular. Although we will do our best to help, operators will not make a special trip to Yad Moss to collect your belongings, however valuable they are. Any items that remain unclaimed at the end of the season will normally be disposed of.
Please be considerate towards other members, volunteers, local residents and local businesses when on the slope, in the car park and on the approach through the surrounding area.
Thank you for your cooperation.
The Committee, Yad Moss