2024-25 snow reports
15 February 21.00
A good day’s skiing today, if somewhat combat in places. Lovely sunshine in the earlier part of the day. The cover was getting very thin by the end of the day so we will not be running on Sunday. We’ll run again when there is more snow. Statistically there is a higher chance of snow at Easter than at Christmas so still plenty of time left in the season.

14 February 20.00
There is about 10 cm of snow on the slope. We will open on Saturday from around 10.30. We anticipate that there will be a lot of de-icing to complete so please bear with us.
Conditions will be thin and not suitable for novice skiers/ boarders. Weather will be Pennine, so please wrap up well.
Day memberships will be available on the hill. Please bring exact money; we do not have card facilities
12th January 21:40
A final day of Great skiing this morning before the visibility disappeared in the afternoon.
Unfortunately the weather tomorrow turns mild and wet so today will be the end of the skiing until the next cold spell.
Thankyou to all the members and day members that have supported Yad Moss this week. We Hope you enjoyed the conditions and that some of you can support us running the club into the future.
11th January 19.07

We had a good day’s skiing today. We have been very busy again, with all runs complete and the odd thin patch. We are prioritising season membership skiing again tomorrow (Sunday). The tow will run from about 10.30. The forecast is for sunshine and light winds and a bit warmer than today.
Day memberships for Sunday 12 January are now sold out. No day memberships will be available on the hill on Sunday 12 January, unless you are a member of Allenheads Ski Club visiting Yad Moss on the reciprocal agreement.
Unfortunately the weather is turning wet and mild on Tuesday and we will lose the snow quite quickly. Sunday will be our last ski day until the weather turns colder again and we get some more snow.
10th January 19.05
We have been very busy this week and are therefore going to prioritise season member skiing this weekend. The tow will run from about 10:30 on Saturday 11 January. The forecast is for sunshine and light winds. All runs are complete and the skiing surfaces should be dry and cold.
Day memberships for Saturday 11 January are now sold out.
We will not be selling any day memberships on the hill tomorrow.
9th January 18:57
Another really good day. Cold snow and all runs beautifully pisted. Pennine skiing at its very best.
Thankyou to everyone for being so friendly and patient with us. Seemed to be plenty of smiling faces all day 😎
Unfortunately we don’t have sufficient operators and volunteers to run tomorrow despite the perfect conditions. We will however be back up and running on Saturday and hopefully Sunday.
We have been very busy this week so for the benefit of season ticket members we May decide to restrict day memberships to online sales only on Friday night. If we decide to do that we will not be selling day memberships on the hill.
We will make that decision by tomorrow evening and post it here. Season ticket holders will not be affected.
8th January 18:42

Another great day at Yad Moss, this time with lighter winds and the full range of runs skiable on both sides of the tow. The skiing surface remains very good.
The tow will run again tomorrow Thursday from about 10:30am. Day memberships will be available from the ticket office. Please bring exact change if possible.
Forecast tomorrow is for subzero temperatures and sunshine all day. It will be very cold so please wrap up. We expect the skiing to be excellent again.
All main roads are open.
Unfortunately the tow will not run on Friday because of a lack of available tow operators and volunteers.
The forecast at the moment is staying cold until Monday morning so we intend to run on Saturday and Sunday, if possible.
See you on the hill
7th January 18:35

A good day today at Yad Moss enjoyed by about a hundred Members and day Members.
The tow will run again tomorrow Wednesday from about 10:30am. Day memberships will be available. Please bring exact change if possible.
Forecast tomorrow is sunny with a much lighter wind and the air will remain dry and very cold which will preserve the high quality skiing surface. It should be a very good day again.
Roads remain passable with care.
See you on the hill
7th January 8:50
B6277 open from Middleton and Alston with care, both directions. Hartside and A66 also reported open now.
See you on the hill 😃
6th January 18:51
Yad moss ran today on a cover of wind-packed snow Scoured in places but plenty of drifted snow beside fences, now pisted out to give good surface conditions.

We intend to run again tomorrow (and hopefully Wednesday and Thursday), from about 10:00. Forecast is cold but should be bright in the morning. Wrap up!
Day memberships will be available for £25. Please bring exact change.
The road was ok today from Alston. The B6277 was however blocked today by a jack knifed lorry. We don’t know yet whether that has been cleared.
6th January 14:08

Ski tow running. Good snow though poor visibility. Road access is from the Alston side with care.
full report and prospects for tomorrow will be given this evening. Looking good !
5th January 2025. 18:20
A small team is hoping to go up to Yad Moss tomorrow to inspect the runs. If they can get there and conditions are suitable they will run the tow but it is likely to be later than 10:30. We will post on Facebook if/when the tow is running. Day memberships would be available.
Road conditions are likely to be very wintry so extreme care may be required.
4 January 2025 17:12
Happy New Year to all! There is a substantial amount of snow forecast for high ground in northern England on Sunday. We are monitoring the situation and will provide an update on Sunday evening around 19.00 about the possibility of running the tow next week.
Archived snow reports
AGM 2024
The Yad Moss Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place on Sunday 22 September 2024 at 13.00 followed by a social event. We hope you can make it – all season, day and associate members are most welcome – the more the merrier!
Summer working parties
Working parties will be held at Yad Moss on the second Sunday in June, July, August and on the morning of the AGM:
Sunday 9 June
Sunday 14 July
Sunday 11 August
Sunday 22 September
We also might hold ad hoc working parties at other times – please keep an eye on the website “Opening and Snow Report” page for notice of these.
Working parties start at 10.30 on the hill. Various jobs will be determined on the day, suitable for many interests and abilities. Please bring suncream, insect repellent, a packed lunch, drinking water, stout shoes, a hat, waterproof and windproof clothing and work gloves. Equipment will be provided but if you have a hammer please bring it if you can. Working parties usually go ahead in the summer whatever the weather, but if the forecast is truly Pennine, we’ll call things off and put a notice on the website “Opening and Snow Report” page.
Sunday 3rd March. 9:56
Four to five inches of new snow at the summit this morning. The snow will however get wet today but the forecast is light winds and hopefully clearer weather. Have fun 😎
Saturday 2nd March 19:07
The ski tow will run tomorrow Sunday from 10am. Conditions may deteriorate however and it could be an earlier than usual close.
The snow got rather wet and patchy today but the temperature is now dropping so we expect the snow to dry out and nip up a bit by tomorrow morning. Day tickets will be available (£25 exact fare only) but conditions will not be favourable for novices unfortunately.
picture from summit webcam Sunday 7:45
Saturday 2nd March 08:11
Ski tow running 10:20am. 5-6 inches of snow overlying ground which will be soft.
DAY MEMBERSHIPS (£25) will be available (Exact cash only at the ticket office – we have no broadband or reliable data signal)
Thursday 8th February 12:50
Snow is falling at Yad Moss. We are monitoring the situation with a view to running the tow on Saturday if we get sufficient cover. We will update here about the possibility of skiing this weekend. Fingers crossed 😀
Wednesday 17th January 18:23
An inspection has taken place at Yad Moss today. Unfortunately there is insufficient snow to run the tow. The main band of precipitation on Tuesday passed through the Yorkshire Dales to the south of the North Pennines.
We will update again when skiing is likely.
7 December 19.45
A really good day at Yad Moss on Wednesday. General snowcover of 4-5 inches of overnight heavy snow from the north east which dried out nicely for skiing. All the runs were skiable and the weather was superb.
The snow line was just above the car Park. About 80 Members and day ticket members turned up and there are some great pictures and videos on the Facebook page.
Hoping for more skiing soon 🤞
5 December 13.35
Luckily Yad Moss just managed to poke its head above the sleet/snow line last night. An inspection has been carried out this morning, there is a general cover of 4-5 inches of snow with drifting above the wall, on the upper two thirds of the slope. It is our intention to run the tow tomorrow, Wednesday, from 10:30 a.m. Expect conditions to be thin especially lower down where temperatures over the last day will have been more marginal. Day memberships will be available on the hill for £25: cash only, please bring exact money if possible, thank you.
4 December 18.55
There will be an inspection tomorrow (Tuesday) to see whether we might open on Wednesday… please watch this space…
2nd December 18:23
First day of the season 😃. Thin but fast skiing on the frozen grass. The skiing was very ‘trippy’ today but improved a bit during the afternoon with an inch or so of new snow falling. It was snowing quite heavily as we left. About 10 folk up at Yad Moss today. Good visibility and minus two at the ticket office.
We are running the tow again tomorrow Sunday from 10:30 and are hopeful of more snow overnight which will help. We also hope to do some pisting to flatten the snow grass! It will still be thin tomorrow so not a day for novices I’m afraid. You will need good balance skills! Very light winds and freezing all day but visibility may be poor at times.
Day tickets will be available to non Members price £25 adults £10 children. Please bring exact change to the ticket office.
1 December 17.45
We will be opening tomorrow, Saturday 2 December, from 10.30. Following an inspection this afternoon, there is a thin covering of dry, powdery snow. The underlying ground is frozen in places and wet in others. Conditions are marginal and definitely not suitable for beginners. A day for the enthusiasts looking for a first slide of the season!
AGM 2023 – Sunday 29 October 2023 at 12.00 in the Yad Moss Day Lodge
Yad Moss Ski Club Ltd
Annual General Meeting
Sunday 29 October 2023,
Yad Moss Day Lodge, Yad Moss, Nr Alston
12.00 hrs
Welcome and apologies for absence
Minutes of the last AGM
Matters arising not covered elsewhere on the agenda
Directors’ Report
Financial Report
Election of officers and executive committee members
Any other business
All current and 2022-23 season and associate members and 2022-23 day members welcome.
Newsletter 2023
Sunday 12th March UPDATE
This mornings webcam pic. We intend to run the tow this morning but the run is broken in a few places and the skiing is poor. expect an early finish after lunch. Forecast is plus 4 at the hut and strong westerly wind up the hill. The skiing will be a bit slower today!
The runs became unskiable because of a lack of snow and the tow closed at 12:45.

Saturday 11th March 19:05
Another good day with over 100 skiers and queues for the lift between 11am and about 2:30. The snow had improved overnight and was much faster. Most runs were skiable and the visibility was good with very light wind.
Between Friday morning and close of play on Saturday the Poma counter indicated 3,600 departures, sufficient for over 2,500kms of runs!
Friday 10th March 18:31
Great day at Yad Moss today. Perhaps 60 skiers and boarders. It was -2.5c as we left at 5:15pm. Cool again tomorrow with a south easterly breeze down the slope. Plenty of snow and most runs are good, particularly where they have been pisted.
We will run the tow tomorrow from about 10:15. Day tickets will be available from the ticket office. We may be busy so we intend to run the tow until 5pm on Saturday 😃 see you on the hill.
Thursday 9th March 18:53
We intend to run the tow tomorrow, Friday if conditions are suitable. the road could be tricky first thing so we may not get going immediately. Day tickets (for non season ticket holders) will be a available from the ticket office (£20 cash). Snow continuing to fall tonight and from a good direction and temperature. We will update this page and try to update live on Facebook if/when we run. Apologies that the webcam is still out of power.
Wednesday 18 January 2023
There has been no further snow and conditions are too marginal to run on Thursday unfortunately. We’ll keep an eye on the weather in the hope of further snowfall soon.
Tuesday 17 January 2023
A good day of snowsports today. Cover is thin and the tow will not run on Wednesday but we will reassess conditions later in the week and post a message here if it is possible to open.
Monday 16 January 2023
The tow will run from 10.30 tomorrow (Tuesday 17 January). The cover is thin so we recommend that it is suitable for experienced skiers / boarders only. Day tickets will be available.
Apologies that the webcam is not working reliably at the moment – an operator has been up this morning to inspect the hill and the weather forecast indicates that conditions will be similar tomorrow.
Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) – Monday 6 February 2023, 19.00 by Zoom
All members are invited to an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) via Zoom on Monday 6 February 2023 at 19.00 to consider a change to our Articles of Association. Please check your email for further details or contact secretary@yadmoss.co.uk.
Sunday 18th December 2022
First day of the season.20 members enjoyed a cold but skiable day on frozen snow and hard frozen ground.Hopefully we’ll get some more days soon. Weather cooling down again over Christmas ❄️ ❄️
Saturday 17th December 18:02
The news from Yad Mossis that the snow is thin but it is apparently enough to ski on so we are going to give it a gotomorrow, Sunday morning.
The forecast is for a bit more snow overnight. The issue will then be the wind which is forecast to be gusting 50mph from the south east at the summit. That is on the limit of what we can run in but we think we will be able to run, at least in the morning from about 10:30.. The strong wind down the hill may make for fast skiing though ! We therefore recommend strong skiers and boarders only as the conditions will be challenging.
We also expect an early retreat off the hill as snow, and lower down freezing rain,may arrive from 13:00 and could rapidly make driving conditionsdifficult. Be prepared 🥶

Saturday 17th December 7:28
im afraid it’s a no go. The main band of snow has crossed just to the south of the North Pennines with a smaller band just north of Yad Moss. Checking on the various webcams not enough has fallen to be skiable so we carnt run today.
we’ll review tonight at 7pm regarding the possibility of skiing on Sunday. Sorry 😞
Friday 16th December 13:48
Ok, we will inspect the slope tomorrow in the hope that enough snow will fall tonight to enable skiing . It is likely that conditions will be thin and grassy and only suitable for strong skiers and boarders. We will update from the slope tomorrow at 10:30am about the possibility of running the tow from Saturday morning. If we are able to run day tickets will be available from the ticket office for non season ticket holders. Note that there may be snow on the road.
Fingers crossed 🤞
Tuesday 14th June 21:27
The days start getting shorter in just a weeks time (!!!) so we need to start planning the summer and autumn maintenance!
We will be holding 3 official work parties this year on Sunday 3rd July, Sunday 7th August and Sunday 4th September.It would be great if you could come along and help out. We may plan some extra ones at shorter notice.
SThe main job this summer is re arranging the fencing in the queue management area so will be getting on with that as a priority. We have several hundred metres of fencing to replace so quite a big job if you can us help out. We also have a few other ideas to improve the ski runs in one or two places and will be looking at some other projects as well.
If you can come and help out, (and it is usually great fun) please send an email to secretary@yadmoss.co.uk and we will provide some more details and get an idea about numbers.
We’d love to see you and are always keen to welcome more people getting involved at Yad Moss. As with previous years If you attend all three working parties you will get a free season pass !
Have a great summer.

Friday 1st April 18:22
Well, the skiing this morning was OK, even good! Unfortunately the ground was still rather warm after last week and the snow started to melt quickly after lunch, from the bottom up. The tow will not run tomorrow.
We will update here and on the Facebook page if we get enough snow for more skiing this Spring. Thank you to everyone that came up today.
Thursday 31st March 19.06
Friday is a ski day 😃
We intend to run the tow from 10:30am tomorrow. Expect thin grassy ‘Pennine’ conditions although there may have been some small drifting along the top half of the main run in the northerly wind. The snow should be reasonably dry and cold first thing.
Day tickets will be available from the ticket office. Cash only however.
See you on the hill !

Friday 4 March 18.45
Unfortunately, snow has melted today and there’s not currently enough to run on Saturday. Please keep fingers crossed for further snow… We’ll keep checking the webcam and will open whenever possible.
Friday 25 February 15.50
There is a dusting of snow but not enough for snow sports at the weekend unfortunately. We will keep checking conditions and remain optimistic: there is still plenty of time for snow as we move into the spring. We’ll update this message when we have a possibility of opening.
Sunday 20th February 07:36
Thank you to the forty or so skiers and boarders who came up to Yad Moss on Saturday from as far away as Sheffield. The skiing was much better than it looked 😎
The snow was thin but frozen and allowed turningquite easily. In fact the thin snow skied faster than the compacted snow which was a bit sticky .
As often happens at Yad Moss the last hour and a half was really good. The sun came out and the views were tremendous. The enclosure run and main piste had some good skiing.
Looking forward to our next days soon.
Friday 18th February 18:53
We hope to run the tow tomorrow, Saturday from about 10:30am. More snow falling tonight but conditions will be very thin and grassy. The webcam will hopefully be working and you may want to check it before travelling but please check the time / date stamp as we have had a few power issues in overcast weather. We’ll try to update this message if there is anything further to report once operators get to the hill. Temperatures should be below freezing and wind speeds will be declining. visibility should be good. Sunday is looking unlikely because of gales and heavy rain. Day tickets will be available on the hill but please remember cash only at the ticket office.
Tuesday 15th February 19:06
There is snow in the forecast for Yad Moss!Storm Eunice passes through about lunchtime on Friday, hopefully in the correct position to deposit sufficient snow on Yad Moss.
At the moment we have our fingers crossed for some skiing on Saturday but a lot could change before then so keep an eye on developments. We’ll make a decision about the possibility of running the tow on Saturday, at around 7pm on Friday night.
Think snow!
Thursday 6 January 19:14
Unfortunately the forecast snow has not arrived at Yad Moss. There is a possibility that we might get some heavy showers tonight so check the report again tomorrow at 8:30am about the possibility of running the tow tomorrow Friday.
Thursday 9th December. 18:54
37 skiers enjoyed wet snow conditions at Yad Moss today.we also welcomed a couple of newbies to today too, welcome
lots of snow at the top but grassy 200 metres below the cross over and on the outlying slopes.
Unfortunately rain is forecast tonight so we won’t run tomorrow. Would need some more to run on Saturday so I’m afraid weekend skiing is not looking likely.
Thank you to everyone who turned up today. Hope you had a good time.
Wednesday 8th December 19:18
There is snow at Yad Moss and we intend to run the tow tomorrow Thursday from about 10:30am.
Season ticket holders only on Thursday for our first day of the season whilst we sort out any issues.
The webcam has been refitted but so far it’s not responding so we need to fix that.
An inspection did take place last Sunday but conditions were marginal and some of our key operators were unable to get up there. Sorry about the lack of communication the last couple of weeks. Like many others its been a tricky time for our volunteers.
Good snow cover at the top Wednesday 8th December.
Saturday 27th November 18:24
There is snow at Yad Moss but conditions are currently unsuitable for running the tow until we can get some operators up there to properly assess conditions. There has been a large power outage across the North East of England which is affecting some of our key operators. I’m afraid we won’t be able to run tomorrow.
We hope to get some volunteers up there tomorrow to begin storm recovery and some essential safety work, if the road is passable.
We’ll update here when we are in a position to run but unfortunately it won’t be tomorrow now.
Wednesday 13th October. 20:36
The summer maintenance work is going well. The weather has been kind with plenty of sunshine and the ground is unusually dry for mid October. The tow has been tested and is working just fine.We do have a power issue with the webcam when the wind stops blowing but we may have to live with that for now.
Thank you to all the volunteers that have helped out with the fence repairs, painting, stone walling, ditchingand technical work this summer.Most jobs are now complete. We just have one last section offence to replace near the top of the main run and then the grass to cut.
As soon as it looks like we may get some snow we will put the pomas back on the rack.That can sometimes be as early as November (!) so worth making sure you know where all your gear is on the off chance you have to make that last minute stealth trip up to the slopes 😄
We still have season tickets available, just visit the ticket page and follow the link. Let’s hope for some snow like this again…….and no more lockdowns !
February 2021
Tuesday 1st June. 21:32
As the winter season 2020-21 draws to an end, we thank you for your support of Yad Moss this year. We enjoyed a good start to the season, with three days of snow sports in December and early January. It was excellent to see season ticket holders as well as day visitors enjoying the slope. Operating was made possible by the extensive work undertaken by our volunteers to make the Club and its facilities Covid-19 secure, including installing a screen in the ticket office, altering the seating arrangements in the day lodge, developing a thorough cleaning protocol and establishing test and trace protocols.
Unfortunately, the lockdown that started in January meant that we were not permitted to run the tow, despite the favourable winter conditions. This was disappointing for all of us, but we took heart from the fact we had managed to run every day that was possible earlier in the season.
We are very grateful for your support of the Club via your season ticket membership. Despite being shut for much of the season, our fixed costs of insurance and maintenance have remained the same. It is for that reason that we cannot offer full or even partial refunds of season tickets. However, when season ticket sales open again in September, the prices for the 2021-22 season will remain fixed at £40 for renewing adults and £10 for juniors, despite the rising costs of insurance and other essentials such as fencing and fuel.
We all hope that the vaccination programme allows a return to greater normality this year. We are planning our usual programme of summer maintenance, and will hold working parties on the first Sunday of June (6th), July (4th) August (1st) . We always welcome volunteers, new and old, so please contact secretary@yadmoss.co.uk if you would like to receive updates about the work planned over the summer, which will be conducted in accordance with government guidance for Covid-19 risk assessments. The September working party will also incorporate the AGM and social, to which you are warmly invited.
Thank you for sticking with us and supporting the Club. Without you, Yad Moss could not survive. We hope you and your loved ones are safe and well, and look forward to seeing you on the hill in 2021
Monday 29th March 14;52
From today the club is permitted to open again as National lockdown restrictions are eased.
I’m afraid there were periods duringJanuary and February when we missed out on what would have been superb conditions up at Yad Moss. The last patch from those falls only melted last week and there was some new snow as recently as Saturday, although it was mostly gone by yesterday.
Looking at the week ahead the weather may turn much colder from Easter Sunday. If conditions become favourable for running the tow we will provide details on this page about opening.
Fingers crossed.
Tuesday 5th January 20:53
Regretfully we have had to close Yad Moss following the announcement of a new national lockdown effective from Wednesday 6th January. We will update again when we are next allowed to open. Hopefully we will get some snowsport later this season. Stay safe everyone.
The Committee Yad Moss
Sunday 3rd January18:45
Sunday turned out to be a really good day. We got more snow overnight than forecast and the Northeasterly direction was perfect. The sun came out in the afternoon and the snow dried out and froze. All runs were complete with some good off piste in places.
Staying cold all week and more snow is forecast. We are hoping to ski mid week perhaps Wednesday or Thursday. Will update here as soon as we know.
Thank you to everyone for making it a great day.
Thursday 31 December 18.30
Still not enough snow to run the tow safely on New Year’s Day. Unfortunately we will not be opening tomorrow.
Light snow is forecast, however, and if we get enough to run safely we will make a decision on Friday night about the possibility of running on Saturday.
Now that Cumbria and the north east of England are in Tier 4 we will be restricting snow sports at Yad Moss to season ticket holders only.
If conditions become favourable we may sell a limited number of day tickets to people resident in local postcodes (Eden District and the North Pennines only). Qualifying local postcodes will be posted on our Covid 19 page.
Please do not attempt to travel to Yad Moss without a season ticket or a pre-purchased day ticket.
We thank you for your cooperation and Happy New Year!
Thursday 24th December 18:35
Not quite enough snow to run the tow today but we are hopeful that if we can hang onto some of the current cover we may get some skiing after Saturday. Fingers crossed.
On behalf of the Committee I would like to wish everyone an especially safe Christmas this year.
Sunday 6th December 10:42
The sun does not always shine at Yad Moss and the snow is not always powder.
Sunday was a day for Keenies.The main run, powder gulley and centre gulley were the runs of choice for the 30 skiers and boarders today. Thank you to everyone yesterday and today for supporting us.
Staying cool this week but looks to be warming up at the weekend. We have no plans to run during this week but check in again when we get some more snow.
Saturday 5th December 18:57
A sunny day with light windstoday. There was about 20cms of frozen snow on a wet grassy base.
Friday 4th December 17:43
There looks to be a sufficient cover of snow remaining at Yad Moss despite the temperature rise and heavy sleet this afternoon.
We intend to run the tow tomorrow, Saturday from 10:30am to about 3pm.
We think there will be a slight frost overnight but expect saturated snow and wet ground underneath. The Skiing will be typically Pennine; tricky and grassy in most places 😀 The forecast is for good visibility and the wind moderating. It will feel cold.
Day tickets will be available although regrettably this year there will be no discount for Weardale or Raise season ticket holders at weekends.
Please ensure you have read and understood our COVID statement before coming up to Yad Moss.
Tuesday 1 December 14:30
There is some snow in the forecast and once national lockdown is over, we plan to run on days when the conditions are suitable. Our webcams are working again so please keep your eyes peeled and check the snow report on this page for opening information. Please note that we have now retired our telephone snowline.
Thursday 3rd September 17:00
Season tickets are on sale until 31st October 2020: http://yadmoss.co.uk/join-us/
Sunday 16th August 21:29
The season ended before the Corona Virus lockdown started. Whilst a rather disappointing winter we did at least manage eight days skiing some of which were rather good (see below and the Facebook page). Wehope you managed to get up the hill but If not let’s hope for more good skiing next season.
We managed to put everything away for the summer and fortunately were not in the middle of any big projects. Nor Did we break anything important this winter so we Could afford to have a quiet summer!At the moment we anticipate carrying out the essential pre-season maintenance in the Autumn.
We will Contact our volunteers next Time we intend to hold a work meeting. If you would like to help out please contact the Secretary via the ‘volunteer’ page.
In the meantime we wish you a safe summer and hope to see you on the slope when the snow next arrives.
The Committee, Yadmoss
Thursday 5th March 19:03
Unfortunately We don’t have anyone avaiable to run the tow tomorrow and on Saturday it is due to rain as the temperature and the wind increase. We will need more snow and will not therefore be running the tow on Saturday or Sunday.
A good day today doing laps on the main run which once again was very fast and easy skiing. Just a few bare patches near the bottom and the snow held out remarkably well.
Wednesday 4th March 17:34
We intend to run the tow tomorrow Thursday from about 10:30.
The skiing today on the main run was very good. Fast soft snow, very light breeze and good visibility. Only 20 skiers and boarders today so ride on conditions all day. Powder gulley is skiable but there is a grassy traverse at the top. Forecast is very good again with no wind and sunny intervals, the snow will be frozen first thing but should quickly soften as it did today. Day tickets will be available.
Tuesday 3rd March 23:33
The tow will run tomorrow Wednesday from 10:30 and possibly Thursday depending on the survivability of the snow. Day tickets will be available.
The main run is skiable to one piste basher width although the snow is thinner over the last third below the crossover.
It’s currently about minus 1c and the air is dry so the base should be freezing nicely. The forecast is for light winds and good visibility with temperatures fluctuating around zero through till Friday.

Friday 28 February 16:15
A wintry day on the hill. The Met Office forecast was spot on. A strong southerly breeze with snow becoming heavier and eventually turning to rain at 2pm. The skiing was really quite good in the drifting fresh snow and the wind blowing down the hill. Just 5 or 6 hardy skiers and snowboarders up today.
The rain is forecast to start again at midnight and continue into the morning before it possibly turns to snow. With strong winds moving round westerly and blowing up the hill and probably some substantial snow melt overnight we won’t run tomorrow and I’m afraid Sunday is looking unlikely too, though we will keep monitoring the situation.
Thursday 27 February 19:09
We intend to run tomorrow Friday from about 10:30. Day tickets will be available. Forecast is for strong southerly wind and snow which will improve the skiing but will turn to rain after about 3pm. If the wind is too high or the conditions deteriorate we may have to close early.
Not a bad day today. A strong wind blowing up the hill and Thin grassy snow but fast skiing.Some good sections where we have been able to piste bash. The snow improved markedly after 2:30m as it started to freeze again.
Wednesday 26 February 18:41
We are go for tomorrow Thursday to run the tow. Day four of the 2019/20 ski season !!
Expect thin frozen grassy conditions- typical Yad Moss🤪 more snow is forecast overnight.
Day tickets will be available. Hope to have the tow running by 10:30 ish. See you on the hill
Sunday 23 February 9:25
Snow at Yad Moss today. Unfortunately the ground is too wet at the moment and the wind speed forecast up the hill will probably making skiing impossible. The tow will not run today. forecast is staying cold however with more snow so we are closely monitoring the situation and will notify you when it becomes feasible to run the tow. Fingers crossed.
Thursday 13 February 21.25
We’re keeping a very close eye on the webcams and weather. Storm Dennis is likely to thwart any plans for the weekend but it is due to stay cold so fingers crossed that we retain a base. We’re keen to get back out on the hill… Let’s hope for some action soon.
Wednesday 18 December 20.15
An excellent day today on and off piste for Pennine skiers and boarders old and new. The forecast is for milder, wetter weather in the next few days so we have no plans to open later in the week. Please keep an eye on the webcams and snow report for fresh snow. We’ll open again as soon as conditions are favourable!
Tuesday 17th December 18:48
More snow today than Sunday and less wind but poor visibility in the morning. Around 2pm the sun came out the temperature dropped the snow dried out and conditions were great for the last hour. The main run is good and powder gulley was fun after the sun came out. Still plenty of thin areas but good skiing available.
The forecast is for a lot more sun tomorrow. We aim to have the tow running by 10:30. See you on the hill!
Monday 16th December 21:40
Good day yesterday.Shame about the wind but the snow was good and the sun was shining.
More snow has drifted onto the main run this morning. We are intending to run the tow again tomorrow (Tuesday) and then Wednesday. There may be a short delay opening tomorrow while we locate an electrical fault but we aim to open from about 10:45. Day tickets will be available both days.
Sunday 6th October
Finished the tow track fence today. It’s been a lot of work this summer removing the old fence and constructing the new one in the long stretch between P3 and P4.The weather was rather wet and we were all soaked by the time we got to the pub this evening!
The hill is now clear of waste wood and we only have a few jobs left to do. We need to do some more grass cutting and we still have the refurbished poma rack left to install but we anticipate that will be fairly straightforward.
Who knows we could be skiing within eightweeks
Thursday 4th April
Sunshine and snow at Yad today, just a few skiers and boarders having fun in some good late season conditions.
Sunday 10 March
A handful of connoisseurs enjoyed the best of Pennine combat skiing and boarding today. Let’s hope for further days on the hill before the season draws to a close.
Ski poles found leaning up against fence in car park at end of day. Please email secretary@yadmoss.co.uk to claim.
Sunday 3rd February
A strong south westerly wind today and overcast conditions. The skiing was still ok and plenty of different routes were available to explore thanks to the hard frozen ground. New snow started drifting after lunch which started to fill the runs in again but caused the tow track to get bumpier than the skiing!
The snow turned to rain but then started to dry up about 3pm.
We hope the 40 or so keen skiers and boarders had a reasonable day on the hill. We await the next skiable day.
Saturday 2nd February
Good skiing today at Yad moss. Thin snow on a frozen grassy base !
The tow will run tomorrow Sunday 3rd February from 10:00am.
Forecast is showing snow from 11:00. Wind will be Strong at the summit from the SW.
Day tickets will be available.
Friday 1st February 2019
The tow will run at Yad moss tomorrow, Saturday from 10am.
The snow will be thin on a frozen grassy base. The forecast is for sun freezing temperatures and a moderate north westerly breeze. Once the mist clears visibility should be excellent.
Day tickets will be available.
Wednesday 30 January 2019
A Reasonable day skiing today. Good weather but snow thin and with no base it now needs more snow to run again.
Work party Sunday 5th August
Replacing the tow track fencing between P5 and P6. Beautiful weather.
Next work party is Sunday 2nd September. (See volunteer page for details).
Work party Sunday 1 July
Painting the weather exposed sides of the ticket office and control room.
Tuesday 17th April 2018
Sadly the ski season is now over. We have had some great skiing this year. We hope you caught some of the really good days. Thank you for all the fabulous pictures and videos that you posted on the facebook page.
We will be spending the summer back up the hill on our maintenance and repair programme. We’ll be in contact with those of you who have expressed an interest in the work parties. Please see the volunteering page for dates.
We wish you a great summer and look forward to skiing and riding with you when the snow arrives again.
‘Yad the Impaler’, Tuesday 20th March 2018
Yad Moss Ski Club Ltd